“Yao had no need of the empire,just as the man of Yueh had no need for ceremonial caps.Yet he who has no need of the empire is just the man whom the empire needs for its ruler.Though the empire took Yao as its ruler,Yao himself did not consider the empire as his.He therefore silently forgot it,and let his mind wander in the realm of nondistinction.Though he sat on the throne and controlled all things,there was nothing which could disturb his happiness.” —Kuo Hsiang
Hui Tzǔ(惠子)said to Chuang Tzǔ:“The king of Wei(魏)sent me some calabash seeds.I planted them and they bore a fruit as big as a five-bushel measure.I used it as a vessel for holding water,but it was not solid enough to hold it.I cut the calabash in two for ladles,but each of them was too shallow to hold anything.Because of this uselessness,I knocked them to pieces.”